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Shop Framed Originals
19.25” W x 24.25” H
White wood frame, white recessed mat: mysterious round and near oval-shaped objects on a striking blue background, making their way through their separate and shared universes. The text reads: “Three or four ways / to get there all in one piece.” Often true, and something to consider as we each refine our plans of action.
13” W x 15.75” H
Gold wood frame, white mat, line drawing of a beach ball, with internal blue and sand-colored gradients matching the adjacent sky and beach. The text delivers and sunny but strong message: “I always find / the beach ball / that hasn’t lost / its bounce.”
16.5” W x 20” H
Garden green wood frame, white and green mat, giclée original: a beanstalk stretches aspirationally into the sky; you may not see the giant but that doesn’t mean he isn’t there!
18” W x 22” H
Red wooden frame, white mat with red edges, giclée original: if you’ve lived awhile, you’ve seen this guy around: he doesn’t say much but always has a ton of unspoken ideas vying for his urgent attention.

19” W x 24” H
White wood frame, white mat, green leaves against a sun and seed-dappled backdrop: new life is enticing, and brings change, that pesky thing we humans try to avoid. Shall we jump in regardless?